• Two Year Presea Training for Diploma Holders (DME)

  • Vels Academy of Maritime Studies offers Presea Training for Diploma Holders (DME), a two year course.

    Fees :
  • Syllabus

  • Eligibility

    Academic Standards : Diploma in Mechanical / Marine / Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Naval Architecture / Electrical Engineering with minimum 50% marks in Final year. The candidate should have obtained atleast 50% in English at 10th or 12th std. or Diploma course
    Age Limit :"Maximum 28 years on the date of commencement of the course"
    Medical Standard : Candidate should be physically fit for sea service as per DG Shipping norms, with minimum unaided vision 6/12 in each eye, and with no colour blindness.
  • About Vels Academy of Maritime Studies

    Vels Academy of Maritime Studies prepares the candidates to pursue a career in shipping companies or shipping related activities ashore. Candidates who successfully complete training at this University will be eligible for taking up jobs as Nav..